I am 32 years old lady and my weight is 78Kg. Can I lose weight in weeks? Can you recommend to me some diet plans, weight loss exercises, and tips for fat loss?
Weight gain, that is, obesity, causes a number of diseases, makes life difficult, and a person goes to great lengths to lose weight, hoping to lose weight. He also exercises hard so that he can achieve his goal.
There are some ways to lose weight in women that reduce fat as well as health benefits. If they are followed regularly, it is not difficult to defeat Tomtapa. Are capable of performing household chores well.
People who suffer from obesity first of all lose their beauty, become a question mark in the eyes of the viewers and besides, doing any hard work becomes the most difficult task for them.
Weight Loss
- Weight gain is one of the most common causes of illness.
- It is difficult for women to do any hard work properly.
- With a little effort, the process of breathing becomes faster, which can be dangerous at times.
- Feeling tired even after doing nothing.
- Dullness overshadows the body.
- Cholesterol levels in the body begin to rise, which increases the risk of heart disease.
- Even light weight lifting can be difficult.
- The mind becomes restless and sleep is more dominant.
Weight gain and obesity are common in both men and women, but women are more active at home/work and gaining weight can be a problem not only for them but also for their families and those around them.
People who are overweight should make changes in their daily routine to not only lose weight, look smarter but also protect themselves from diseases.
There are certain foods, exercise, precautions and essential guidelines that, if followed, can help you lose weight, protect your health from disease, make your life look good and make the viewer feel good.
Ways to lose weight in women
Calories play a major role in weight gain, so special care should be taken to consume as many calories as your body needs, which is tantamount to inviting weight gain.
- Eat foods that you know are high in calories.
- Avoid sugar, soft drinks and processed vegetable ghee which are high in calories.
- Make the most of fresh juicy fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Exercise for weight loss
Exercise is important for health. Exercise plays an important role in dissolving excess body fat. Gaining weight can be prevented by exercising for some time during this time of engagement.
The easiest way to do this is to pay attention to walking. If it is possible to go to the office, market, school or any other place and it is possible to go on foot, then walking is important so that walking can be done and health can be maintained. Even if there is a decrease.
Water for fat loss
Water is a very important gift of nature, has the ability to prevent thousands of diseases from approaching, is the best way to lose weight, if you drink a certain amount of water throughout the day, it helps to dissolve excess body fat. And obesity is left with its own mouth.
Lack of sleep
Sleep is the best blessing for human beings, if it starts to decrease then where other diseases arise then obesity i.e. weight gain starts.
People who do justice to their sleep have lower levels of ghrelin (hormone that increases appetite) and higher levels of leptin (harmone that decreases your appetite). The hormones leptin and ghrelin also called ''hungger harmones'' play an important role in weight loss.
Stay in a cool place
Cooling fats is used to keep the body warm which leads to weight loss. New research has also shown that running the AC in the room or keeping it cool while sleeping speeds up the process of melting fat while sleeping.
Protein shake for weight loss
If you take 30 grams of protein shake before going to bed, your metabolism will be better the next morning, which will help you to lose weight.
Loss weight by use of chicken
The use of chicken meat makes amino acids called tryptophan in the body. To lose weight, you must eat at least one pound of chicken a day.
Chewing gum
A recent report by Japanese researchers has found that chewing gum plays an important role in weight loss. They believe that 'losing weight is as easy as walking while chewing gum.' According to him, a combination of walking and chewing exercise can be important for effective weight control.
Salads for fat loss
The use of salads in the diet reduces weight, which includes cucumbers, carrots, onions, beets and vegetables that can be eaten raw.
Daily routine
Some people are so preoccupied with worldly affairs that they can't make any arrangements, getting up late, eating less, not eating on time, sleeping late or getting less sleep are all harmful for weight and health. It is very important to get your routine in order. Eating on time, sleeping on time, waking up on time and doing worldly work on time are very important for both health and weight.
سوال: میں 32 سال کی خاتون ہوں اور میرا وزن 78 کلوگرام ہے۔ کیا میں ہفتوں میں وزن کم کر سکتا ہوں؟ کیا آپ مجھے کچھ کھانے کے منصوبے، وزن کم کرنے کی مشقیں، اور چربی میں کمی کے لیے تجاویز دے سکتے ہیں؟
جواب: وزن کا بڑھ جانا یعنی موٹاپا بے شمار بیماریوں کو جنم دیتا ہے، زندگی گزارنا مشکل ہوجاتا ہے اور انسان وزن کم کرنے کے لیے ہر وہ جتن کر گزرتا ہےجس سے اس کو وزن میں کمی کی امید ہوتی ہے۔کھانا پینا چھوڑنے سے لے کر سخت سے سخت ورزش بھی کرتا ہے تاکہ اس کو اپنے مقصد میں کامیابی حاصل ہو۔
خواتین میں وزن کم کرنے کے کچھ طریقے ایسے ہیں جو چربی کو کم کرنے کے ساتھ ساتھ صحت کو بھی فائدہ پہنچاتے ہیں۔اگر باقاعدگی سے ان پر عمل کیا جائے تومٹاپے کو شکست دینا کوئی مشکل نہیں ۔ایسے افراد جن کا وزن نارمل ہوتاہے وہ جاب سے لے کر گھر کے کاموں کو بخوبی انجام دینے کی صلاحیت رکھتے ہیں۔
ایسے افراد جو مٹاپے کا شکار ہوں سب سے پہلے تو اپنی خوبصورتی کھو بیٹھتے ہیں، دیکھنے والوں کی نظر میں سوالیہ نشان بن جاتے ہیں اس کے علاوہ کوئی بھی محنت کا کام انجام دینا ان کے لیے مشکل سے مشکل کام بن جاتا ہے۔
وزن بڑھنے کے نقصانات
وزن بڑھنے کی وجہ سے بیماریاں زیادہ حملہ آور ہوتی ہیں۔
کوئی بھی محنت کا کام بخوبی انجام دینا مردوں کے لیے مشکل ہوجاتا ہے۔
ذرا سی محنت کے بعد سانس پھولنے کا عمل تیز ہوجاتاہے جو کبھی خطرناک بھی ثابت ہوسکتا ہے۔
کچھ نہ کرنے کے بعد بھی تھکاوٹ کا احساس ہونے لگتا ہے۔
جسم پر سُستی چھائی رہتی ہے۔
جسم میں کولیسٹرول کی مقدار بڑھنے لگتی ہے جس سے دل کے امراض کا خطرہ بڑھ جاتا ہے۔
معمولی وزن اٹھانا بھی سخت دشوار ہوجاتا ہے۔
ذہن بوجھل رہنے لگتا ہے اور نیند کا غلبہ زیادہ رہتا ہے۔
خواتین میں وزن کم کرنے کےطریقے
شکر، سوفٹ ڈرنکس اور پروسیسڈ ویجیٹبل گھی میں کیلوریز کثرت سے پائی جاتی ہیں ان سے گریز کریں۔
نیند کی کمی
ٹھنڈی جگہ پر قیام
پروٹین شیک
چکن کا استعمال
چیونگم چبانا
سلاد کا استعمال
روزمرہ کی ترتیب
اگر آپ اپنی صحت کے حوالے سے کوئی سوال کرنا چاہتے ہیں تواپنا سوال ہمیں بھیج دے مکمل چھان بین کے بعد آپ کے سوال کا جواب دے دیا جائے گا۔
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