When you are expecting mother, the more important is the safety and well-being of her unborn child. With due care, a woman can prevent complications that may arise in pregnancy by avoiding certain potential risks. Read out the 5 things pregnant women must avoid to have a safe pregnancy.
1. Abdominal x-rays: Abdominal x-rays during pregnancy are very bad, x-ray exposes the high levels of radiation, which can cause changes in the baby's rapidly growing cells. The baby's chances of suffering from birth defects or certain cancers, such as leukemia later on in life, increase rapidly. It is best to avoid x-rays until absolutely necessary.
- 2. Alcohol: All types of alcohol must be avoided during pregnancy. Consumption of alcohol during these 9 months has been associated with several birth defects such as poor growth, learning disabilities, and mental retardation.
- 3. Illicit or recreational drugs: Drugs like marijuana, cocaine, and other recreational drugs are again absolutely forbidden in pregnancy. These result in birth defects in the unborn child, poor growth, and even withdrawal symptoms in the newborn after birth.
- 4. Medicines: The metabolism of a growing baby is different from an adult, Take medicines in pregnancy with precautions especially in the first trimester or the first 3 months of pregnancy when the fetus is most vulnerable. Some medicines are safe for the baby, while some are potentially harmful.
- 5. Stress: Stress can trigger various health problems, which can be bad for both the baby and the mother's health. Any type of stress whether it be work-related can affect the mental development of the child.